Truth: Making Money Online Is Not That Hard...
Just Do What Is PROVEN To Work. 
Crack The Code To Raking In Multiple 6-Figures THIS YEAR With 
The #1 Method Of Every Single Online Guru...
(Even if you're starting from scratch!) 
Offer Countdown

This is the simple, true story of how I started making more money than 99% of the population in my first year in business:

In 2009 I was sitting in my Mom's basement at the age of 24, completely depressed and lost after getting fired from my horrible waiter job in Greenwich, CT...

And I was dirt poor with less than $100 to my name!

I stared at my only asset, my computer... and asked myself with deep, frustrated yearning...
"If other people can make this kind of insane money online, why can't I?" It's the simple, truth-based question you're probably asking yourself right now.

I KNEW anything is possible...

I just had to crack the code.

So I set out to identify THE ONE thing that all the "gurus" had in common. Simple, right?

(HINT: You may have even figured this out for yourself by now...)

Well, it didn't take me very much time.

It became obvious to me after reading through the forums and following some of the "big names" that every single major player online was using Email Marketing to make a ton of sales at the drop of a hat.

So from that moment, I knew what I had to do...

I started building my list.

I put only 150 people into my Aweber account at first...

Then I started "hitting send"...

And once I saw that first sale for $56, I knew I had done the right thing and that I was onto something big.

I even remember running up the stairs to show my Step-Dad (who wasn't so impressed at the time by $56... but he sure is now!)

I knew that if I just "added a zero to that" and had 1,500 people on my list, I would have made $560... and SO ON!

So I built my list like crazy to tens of thousands and never looked back.

Fast Forward 5 Years:
I'm banking it hard, hitting leader boards, and so are the people who implement my Email Marketing secrets.
You and I both know I'm not saying this to brag...

I'm saying it so you will understand without a shred of a doubt that you can learn from me and I will lead you to the promise land.

And just for the record, I made WELL OVER $100,000 in my first year of doing this... 

AND every single year since then! (All while traveling the world!)

Just Imagine Making Cash Like This...
(Results will vary, obviously. You may or may not make any money with this, just like anything else. You knew that though.)
Just Imagine Seeing Your Name At The Top Of Leader Boards With Other Industry Leaders Like This...
So now that you know that I have gone through the trenches and built my business from basically NOTHING...

All the way to 5 straight years of making 6-figures with email marketing...

You might be asking... what is my GOAL here and what am I offering you today?

Well, over the years, I've done a lot of innovative stuff with email marketing and have created dozens of training programs to help people build their lists and make money from them faster, smarter, and more profitably.

The training and resources I have put out have had an enormous impact on the email marketing industry and have literally made people millions of dollars.Collectively, it's unfathomable the impact my trainings have had. I'm quite proud of what I've been able to contribute to people's lives.

But when I envisioned this new product... I wanted something where you could quickly understand exactly what it takes to be a master at email marketing in as little time as humanly possible.

So I looked through all of the training I've ever made on Email Marketing and I decided to make a "Master Collection"... 

This collection will download from my brain to yours - ALL of the cutting-edge and top-level email marketing strategies that have made me and the other gurus a fortune...

So that you can start making more money online TODAY, far surpass all your financial goals for this year, and start living the life you dream about.
The items that made it in had to meet the following criteria:
The strategies and tactics work powerfully
Still highly relevant
Received rave reviews from customers and when sold individually, have an extremely low refund rate
The information in this package is the backbone of what has made me so much money, given me amazing freedom, and let me travel to over 35 countries in the last 4-5 years. 

It's also helped thousands of people just like you make a lot more money with email and live the life of their dreams.
What Does This Comprehensive "Master Collection" Include?
My best work in 5 years...
  • "Advanced Email Sending Tactics" (45:56 Video) 
    You'll learn the insider tricks that will allow you to write and send emails faster and maximize your time and profit.
  • "The Hidden Lists" (PDF Report)
    Along with your email list, you can actually build 3 or 4 highly-valuable, prospect and customer contact lists. Learn them in this expert-acclaimed report.
  • "Email Marketing Mindset" (28:41 Video)
    If you're just starting out or you have a small list, this video is so you can see the full picture and make smarter decisions about list-building.  
  • "4X Deliverability" (8:09 Video)
    Get more emails in more inboxes. Period.
  • "Email Sending Frequency Demystified" (5:22 Video) 
    Finally get a clear, concise, and thorough answer to "how often" you should send an email to your list.
  • "Email For Offline Businesses" (15:16 Video) 
    Email is just as effective for brick and mortar businesses as it is for online ones. Learn to see the angles so you can either help your own business or make big paydays helping others.
  • "6-Figure Affiliate Promotions" (30:29 Video + PDF Notes)
    Discover the 5-step process of a MEGA super-affiliate who easily banks 5 and 6-figure paydays in 10 days or less. This is a guy who enters the biggest affiliate competitions on the internet and WINS almost every time. I waited 5 years to get this "cheat sheet" on how EXACTLY he does it... and now I hand it off to you.
  • "Scandalous Email Marketing Tactic" (11:13 Video)
    This is downright scandalous and possibly my most polarizing videos of all time. It's a crazy tactic will allow you to get 90-100% open rates to very high-profile JV partners (or anybody else for that matter), every time.
  • "The 6 REAL Success Principles Of Email Marketing" (PDF Report)
    If you are trying and currently failing to make money with email marketing, you need this report. It will open your eyes, end your money and time-sucking distractions, and point you to the promise land.
And my most groundbreaking email marketing interviews...
  • "4X Lead Quality" With Russell Brunson (37:29 Audio)
    Want to know what an 8-figure earner is currently doing to explode every branch of his company right now? Much of it is due to this weird lead-generation tactic that 99% of internet marketers don't ever consider. Find out what it is and how to do it.
  • "350k Subscribers In His First 14 Months" With John Cornetta (1:32:09 Video/Audio)
    Learn what it takes to be one of the fastest list-builders of all time. I was told the other day that this interview is still the best-selling interview WSO of all time.
  • "Tiny List Profit Explosion" With Rob Jones (57:36 Audio)
    A few small details can land you huge profits and over $6 EPCs, from a tiny list of 440 people. 
  • "Guru Launch Underdog" With Zach Booker (46:25 Audio)
    Another "tiny list profits" case study... this time of Zach making roughly $50,000 in affiliate commissions from 2 promotions off his small, one WSO list.
  • "AutoResponder Breakthrough" With Adam Nolan (44:24 Audio)
    How to get your emails out of Google's "Promotions Tab" and save up to 75% on your auto-responder costs. A true breakthrough in email marketing technology that can bring you an unprecedented advantage over competitors.
Total Package Value: $884
Most of the other stuff for sale out there on this topic is a joke and will probably lose you money.
Make sure you learn from someone with a proven track record...
(BTW, the people below actually make money online!)
Join those who have become part of the tribe and prospered greatly from this information!
Regular Retail Price: $197
Your Investment: 
Just 1 Easy Payment Of The Amount You See Below...

Click The Button To Jump On This Special Offer Now!
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Take Note: As you can see, I've slashed the price dramatically for this short promotion. Separately these products command and get a lot higher price all day long. The timer shows exactly how much longer this deal will last... So act now.
30-Day, No-Questions Asked, Money-Back Guarantee.

You hold ZERO RISK when you purchase this today...

If you don't love this product (I know you will) or it isn't everything you thought it would be... And you don't see how this is going to help you make far more money than what you put into it, just email my dedicated support team and we'll send you back your investment, no hassle and no hard feelings.

AND as a gesture of appreciation... simply for putting your trust in me, you can keep the product anyway.

I offer this without worry or hesitation because I'm 100% confident that you're going to love this training and it's going to work for you if you apply it. Period.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who Is This For?
It's for 2 kinds of people...

1) Those who are just starting out and want to learn about the most frequently and effectively used marketing strategy online so that they can make big money quickly. Email marketing is the one method that every single online business uses to make more sales. To make money online, you must learn it, and learn it well.

2) Those who want to take their email marketing to the next level. Even if you're an expert and already making 6-figures, you will still find that this package contains some of the most cutting-edge information available for growing your business quickly. Just one of these strategies could give you an immediately ROI on your investment and beyond.
Is This Only Relevant To The Internet Marketing Niche?
Absolutely NOT!

90% or more of what I teach applies to nearly every niche online. Of course, every niche has their own intricacies but the principles of email marketing normally hold true for all markets.
Do I Need To Be An Affiliate To Benefit From This Information?
No.Some of the products in this bundle are geared towards affiliates, such as 6-Figure Affiliate Promotions, obviously.

And because becoming an affiliate is one of the easiest and quickest ways to make money with email marketing and is also personally one of my main sources of income, I chose to include my affiliate training products here along with everything email marketing related.

Having said that, those who just want to build their lists and sell their own products (or even build lists for offline businesses) will benefit greatly from some of products included in this collection.
Is There An OTO?
Of course. Do you really expect that I wouldn't ask you if you want to add fries and a drink to your burger? Remember, I've claimed to be a good marketer... so I should probably act that way.

Having that said, what I'll offer you after this purchase is absolutely NOT necessary to your succeeding with the information in this package. It only enhances your knowledge and abilities, if you choose to take me up on it. And because you purchase this today, it will also allow me to offer you a better deal on that product than you'll be able to find any where else because it reduces my marketing costs. So overall, you'll love it I'm sure. 
Is Anything You Teach Black Hat? Is This Spam?
Absolutely NOT!

I never ever ever... EVER spam people or teach anybody to spam.

All of my training is 100% based on permission-based marketing.

And while some people think that sending an email a day to your list is not ethical or uncool... that is just their opinion, and not the law as I know it. 

I teach what is effective, fair to everybody, transparent, and what I believe to be legal (I do not, however, give ANY legal advice, of course).
Who Are You?
My name is David Eisner. My brand and website is I created that brand in 2014 because of my passion for marketing, making money online, and traveling while I do it. At this point, you could probably ask around about me and people will know my name as I've become fairly well-known in the internet marketing industry.
Will I Actually Get A Refund If I Ask For One?
Heck yea you will! I haven't gotten to where I am today by not following through on my promises and being nasty to my wonderful customers.

I have a dedicated support team that works 7 days at week at and they handle refunds usually within 24 hours and definitely within 48 (if there's a holiday or something). Rest assured that you can purchase with confidence.

In fact, if you search the internet for a complaint about me, you won't be able to find one! All I do is my best to treat people with respect and integrity.

If you need support for any other reason, you can always submit a ticket there and get a response as well.
Will I Actually Make Money With This?
I sure hope so, but of course, I can't guarantee anything.

Unlike brick and mortar businesses, online businesses are some of the easiest and lowest cost to start. But people also often do not treat them like a business. They give up to early and don't do what's necessary to succeed. I accept that it's just part of the industry.

The point is, no matter how good the information is, if you don't put in the effort to make it work, then there's no way it will.

If you DO put in the effort, follow the training, and use proven business principles to succeed... then you have a good chance at not only making money... but making a lot of it! It is a known fact that tens of thousands of people have become rich with email marketing!
What Happens After I Purchase?
When you click the "Buy Button", you'll be taken to a checkout page. You can choose to pay with a credit card or Paypal.

After that, you'll be shown some other awesome offers I have for you that only customers see. You can choose to accept them or decline them based on your interest and budget.

Then you'll see a receipt email in your inbox for your purchase from my shopping cart, either WarriorPlus or JVZoo. Inside that email is a link to your purchase where you'll be able to set up access to the membership site. Inside the membership is access to all of the information you've purchased.

Beyond that, you'll obviously be hearing from me via email! I practice what I preach!
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